When to drink green tea for weight lost
Keeping fit and healthy is the mantra of today’s hectic life. Most of the individuals have stressful lifestyle, where they have to be on their toes all through the day. It is not practically possible for most of us to take out time from our hectic schedule and indulge in exercise for maintaining healthy life.
Increasing weight is the main cause of concern for many of us. The rise in the consumption of junk food, improper timings of eating meals, sedentary lifestyles have lead to unhealthy increase of our body weight.
The weight increase is also the cause of many health concerns. Most of the disease like diabetes, blood pressure, heart attack is the result of unwanted body weight. The new mantra for reducing weight without much tension or workouts is to consume green tea regularly.
Many people buy green tea for weight loss, and thus this tea is known to as magical potion for reducing weight. The green tea contains caffeine; that acts as stimulant; that is known to aid in burning of fat and also improves exercise performance in various studies.
The abundance of antioxidants; present in the tea helps burning of fat and boosting of the metabolism; which helps to lose the weight. Regular drinking of the green tea helps in reducing the weight.
The best time of taking green tea for reducing weight is after meals. As per experts; having green tea right in the morning and later in the evening helps to reduce the weight. Drinking two to three cups of green tea is best for supplementing weight loss.
People buy green tea for weight loss, for it has emerged as one of the most popular health drinks in recent times. The drink is power house of numerous antioxidants and nutrients; that help to provide plenty of health benefits.
The high concentration of vitamins and minerals in addition to the low calorie content, boost the metabolism and improve the ability of the body to burn energy. Pairing the cup of green tea with exercises and having a well balanced diet helps in ensuring healthy weight loss.
Green tea also contains active ingredient known as theanine. It is a kind of amino acid that helps in minimizing the stress by providing calming and relaxing effect on brain without sedation. This helps in losing weight easily.
Green tea is an amazing drink packed with health benefits. The drink is power house of antioxidants and can be consumed anytime one wants to have. Green tea is the great option to have as an early morning drink. It has just enough caffeine to give you a good morning energy boost. The tea also contains amino acid and L-theanine; that prevents caffeine rush; and gives a sustained energy all throughout for many hours. This makes the green tea an energy booster drink.
Weight loss is something which most of us want to have a healthy and fit life. Unwanted kilograms of weight; is something which we do not desire to carry with ourselves. A cup of warm and scintillating green tea not only helps in reducing weight but also acts as a great energy booster.